1 more day...


Tomorrow my daugther's 8th bedday party..actualy she's 8 todaay but since she wants to invite her kwan2 then i think tomorrow is great because cuti..(senang ckit mo keja)..

With princess theme...aku pun ndak tau camna bdk2 lain nnti..btul2 ikut themes or not..sebab cni kan kampung..anyway tingukla esok...

My 'wawa' invi.cards that design & printed by myself..malas mo beli2..

Suda dia bg suma classmates dia..ada jua yg ndak mau sb diorg ndak mo dtg kunun..hahah besaklah bdk2..Actualy tuk boys lain ckit gmbr dia n tema pun pakaian 'smart'...

My darling wawa...HAPPY BIRTHDAY...