all bloggers & frens..well...i'm new here. Blum terkeluar betul lg apa yg mo d tulis...
Truly...I'm inspired by my other frens' blog 2 start my own..
heheh....wat i'm trying 2 say is.. writing blog is fun..Same like i love reading others blog...
I think its okay to share wit others about our life but not too personal lah....
So here i am..starting 2 share my story...
I'm married wen i was 21 n have a pair of kids aged 8 n 2...n i'm already 30.. heheh...i'm office & at home...ramai kwn2 aku yg lain bloggers gak.
ka chau??? its my 2 years son's shout out..he loves watching taht 'Car' movie...Lightning Mcqueen...
But tat was last year..Now he is Ben10's fanatic.. he got 3 sets of ben10's outfit....itu blum lg merchandice yg lain2...baru2 ni dia suda ada that omnitrix watch (yg jam ben10 tu)..waaa harga jugak jam tu..nasib baik time KKToys ada buat sale....
yg Ben10 ni pulak ada gak shoutout dia..."Ow man"..nnti aku mo share gak pasal ben10..bcause i'm sure his not d only 1 fans of ben tennyson.
As for my daughter..c kakak... but her adik use 2 call her 'jie jie'..this april 9 will be her 8th birthday..Dia suda ada plan mo buat theme 'princessess' tuk party dia...jd my ank2 buah yg lelaki pun tny wat should they wear..I said "pakai baju melayu la...anak raja pakai baju melayu kan." n then diorg senyum2 .."kalu ndak pun kmu pakai kot" lgla diorg senyum2..
Biasaklah at kampung..ndak pernah lg ada bedday party budak2 yg ada i think wawa will be the 1st one..insyallah..lepas tu gerenti ada budak2 lain yg ikut.
So guys..c u then...
February 28, 2009 at 12:57 AM
ish.. kalau la kota belud tu dekat ja dengan subang jaya mesti aku yg plg excited nak buat party tu.. aku suka theme party ni..
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